
Recipient of FASEB 2012 Excellence in Science Award!

IIGB/CEPCEB Researcher Susan Wessler is the recipient of the prestigious FASEB (Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology) 2012 Excellence in Science Award, one of the highest bestowed honors in science.  The award recognizes women whose career contributions in scientific research, teaching and mentoring, and service career have served to advance a scientific discipline significantly. Dr. Wessler’s FASEB Award marks the first time a plant scientist was recognized.

Dr. Wessler was recognized as a leader in the field of genome evolution and for pioneering the use of computational and experimental analysis to identify active plant transposons in whole genome sequences. In addition to her scientific research accomplishments, her mentoring skills, including her revolutionary hands-on laboratory teaching methods for undergraduates and her co-authoring of a genetics textbook, were also noted. Lastly, her service on the editorial and reviewing boards of numerous high-profile journals and her current position as Home Secretary for the National Academy of Sciences (first woman in the position) were applauded.

The Institute congratulates Dr. Susan Wessler on this exceptional achievement!

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