UCR bell tower in the spring

Grad & Undergrad Training


Graduate Training Opportunities

CEPCEB’s NSF-funded Plants3D NRT graduate training program melds plant and microbial biology with engineering technologies to discovery, design and deploy plant-inspired solutions for agriculture and biotechnology.

The program is for PhD and MS students in graduate programs including Plant Biology (Department of Botany and Plant Sciences), Genetics, Genomics and Bioinformatics, Cell, Molecular and Developmental Biology, Biochemistry, Microbiology & Plant Pathology, and Engineering (i.e., Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Bioengineering, and Computer Science & Engineering).

Students are mentored by CEPCEB faculty in projects that involve teamwork and entrepreneurship.

Plants 3D logo

Undergraduate Training Activities

The Center for Plant Cell Biology (CEPCEB) in association with the Institute for Integrative Genome Biology (IIGB) at the University of California, Riverside is committed to providing rewarding research experiences to undergraduate students. As an NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Site, CEPCEB brings research experiences to students of two- and four-year colleges who have limited opportunities to learn about the excitement and career options that research in plant cell biology offers. Ten undergraduates will be accepted into the ten-week residential program. The program will begin with a one-week workshop, in which students will be introduced to techniques and approaches used for analysis of plant and plant fungal pathogen cell function, including basic molecular biology, genomic and bioinformatic analyses, and confocal microscopy methods used to study live cells. Students will then spend nine weeks working with a faculty mentor and a graduate or postgraduate mentor on a research project of their choice. Students will also participate in workshops to enhance learning skills and professional development and to discuss ethics in science.

Details and applications (February/March) for the CEPCEB REU.

Core Facilities

To accomplish our goals, the Center engages its world-class researchers, the scientific community, and industry in interdisciplinary research, employing the latest advances in computation biology, engineering, chemical proteomics, microscopy and bioinformatics.

The Institute for Integrative Genome Biology and its affiliated Centers (CEPCEB and the Center for Infectious Disease Vector Research) are organized around five centralized shared-use core instrumentation facilities that offer advanced tools in bioinformatics, genomics, microscopy, proteomics, and metabolomics to faculty and students. These facilities are housed in close proximity within  Noel T. Keen Hall (microscopy and genomics), the Genomics building (bioinformatics), and Batchelor Hall (proteomics and metabolomics) to allow researchers the ability to easily access diverse technologies and expertise and engage in interdisciplinary efforts. Each core facility is spearheaded by a PhD-level manager who participates in the research and training of UCR’s principal investigators.

For detailed information regarding the IIGB/CEPCEB core instrumentation facilities, please visit IIGB’s Core Facility page .

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