
Geneticist Receives 2011 Fellow of ASPB Award

Linda Walling has been awarded a 2011 Fellow of ASPB (American Society of Plant Biologists) Award for her contributions in the areas of plant response and plant/insect interactions, and her long-standing service to the scientific community.  In addition to IIGB/CEPCEB members Natasha Raikhel and Julia Bailey-Serres, she is the third UCR faculty to be honored by the Society for this award.

The Fellow of ASPB award was established in 2007 to recognize distinguished and long-term contributions to plant biology and service by current members in areas including research, education, mentoring, outreach, and professional and public service. Eligible award recipients have contributed to the Society for at least 10 years and comprise 0.2% of the current membership each year.

Linda has had a long history of mentoring junior scientists at all levels and actively serving ASPB in numerous capacities.  She served as Associated Dean of Biological Sciences at UCR for more than 6 years, during which she played a significant role in revamping the biological sciences undergraduate curriculum and developing mentoring resources for the academic community. She was the driving force behind UCR’s Survival And Leadership Skills for Academe (SALSA) program, which provides mentoring and training for postdocs and junior faculty in the sciences. In addition to creating this program at UCR, Linda also developed modules for the ASPB Lab Leadership program, which has been offered several times at the annual ASPB meeting.  She has served on the editorial board of Plant Physiology, as an elected member of the ASPB Executive Committee, and has presented talks and organized symposia as a regular attendee at ASPB annual meetings.

This award recognizes not only Linda’s scientific contributions but the time and effort she devotes to the many undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs and faculty who regularly seek her advice.

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