
IIGB/CEPCEB Member Elected Secretary of ASPB


IIGB/CEPCEB member and professor of genetics Julia Bailey-Serres was elected Secretary of the American Society of Plant Biologists, a professional scientific society with almost 5,000 plant scientists from the U.S. and 50 other nations. She will assume this position October 1, 2012.

Julia has a long history of service with ASPB, having served several years as monitoring and then associate editor of Plant Physiology, one of the Society’s two widely cited plant science journals. Julia was named a Fellow of ASPB in 2010 and a Fellow of AAAS in 2005. In her role as ASPB Secretary-elect, Julia will chair ASPB’s Program Committee and be responsible for organizing the Society’s annual Plant Biology meetings. She will also maintain the Society’s Executive Committee meeting records.

The Institute congratulates Julia on this prestigious honor.

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